After the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the Supervisor called the meeting to order @ 7:00 P.M. at the Hollis Town Hall, 6430 West Wheeler Road, Mapleton, Illinois 61547-9615.

Board Members Present for Roll Call:

Supervisor Gary W. Thomas; Clerk Kelsey A. Archer; Trustees: William J. Gerdes and James E. Bailey.

The Supervisor announced a quorum was present. Trustee Tal B. Beckman was excused. Trustee Brian B. Fengel arrived at 7:03 P.M.

The Road Commissioner Dennis R. Beckman and the Tax Assessor Alice B. Dailey attended this meeting.

There were no visitors. There were no corrections or additions to the Agenda.

APPROVE MINUTES of Previous Meetings:

Prior to tonight’s meeting, copies of Minutes from the Regular Monthly Meeting held on Thursday, October 30, 2014 were distributed to Board Members for their review.

MOTION to accept the Minutes as presented made by Bill Gerdes; second Jim Bailey. The

motion passed unanimously with all ayes.

********Trustee Brian Fengel arrived and joined the meeting.

AUDIT CURRENT EXPENDITURES, Investments, Transfer of Funds, Budget Line Item Transfers:

1. MOTION to accept for payment all Town Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary dated November 25, 2014

Motion Brian Fengel; second Bill Gerdes. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.

2. MOTION to approve reinvesting with Better Banks in Bartonville ~~~ (roll over)

$ 82,706.65 ~ which is the value of Town Fund Certificate of Deposit No. 25159.

Note: This original C.D. investment was $ 82,371.68 beginning in May of 2013 at a rate of .27% for 18 months which matured on November 24, 2014. Total interest applied was $334.97.

Effective November 24, 2014, the new Certificate of Deposit for the Town Fund, valued at

$ 82,706.65 shall be reinvested for a term of 18 months @ .20%; interest and shall be compounded to the face value semi-annually at 6 month intervals with a maturity date of May 24, 2016.

Motion Jim Bailey; second Brian Fengel. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.

3. MOTION to approve reinvesting with Better Banks in Bartonville ~~~ (roll over)

$ 91,112.87 ~ which is the value of General Assistance Certificate of Deposit No. 25629.

Note: This original C.D. investment was $ 90,743.86 beginning in May of 2013 at a rate of .27% for 18 months which will mature on November 30, 2014. Total interest applied will be $369.01.

Effective November 30, 2014, the new Certificate of Deposit for the Town Fund, valued at

$ 91,112.87 shall be reinvested for a term of 18 months @ .20%; interest and shall be compounded to the face value semi-annually at 6 month intervals with a maturity date of May 30, 2016.

Motion Jim Bailey; second Bill Gerdes. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.

4. MOTION to accept for payment all Road & Bridge Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary dated November 25, 2014.

Motion Brian Fengel; second Bill Gerdes. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.

5. MOTION to accept for payment all Joint Bridge Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary dated November 25, 2014

Motion Bill Gerdes; second Jim Bailey. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.

COMMUNICATIONS & Correspondence:

Rumbold & Kuhn, Inc. ~~ Hollis Township has received a check in the amount of $4,892.56 (net amount) which represents our ½ of the 2014 corn crop from our property on Hollis Road which is a 50/50 share crop with Dean Schwindenhammer. The check was deposited into the Hollis Town Fund checking account.

TOWN BUSINESS ~ Supervisor:

Regarding the house and the unkempt lawn on Tuscarora Road next to the Tuscarora Fire Department ~ Gary Thomas spoke with Vincent Ortiez, who is a representative of the mortgage company managing the property in question. The mortgage company has let out bids for lawn maintenance and anticipates resolving this issue soon.

Peoria County has posted signs at this location notifying the owners to remove the debris from the property. They are proceeding with the steps necessary to encourage a respectable appearance.

ROAD BUSINESS ~ Highway Commissioner:

1. We received a check from IEMA in the amount of $54,246.75 which was deposited in our Joint Bridge Fund as GOVERNMENT GRANT INCOME. This is a partial payment for the cost of relining culverts which was completed this summer by PipeVision. Our engineer, Patrick Meyer is expecting us to receive additional funds with regard to the cost of this project, including some reimbursement for engineering costs.

2. Peoria County Recycling came and picked up tires November 13 which we had retrieved from South Cameron Lane (the Pekin Bottoms). The next day we found additional tires that had been dumped. The Environmental Protection Association will handle the tire dumping problem if we can get a license number.

3. Our equipment is ready for the snow season. We just had a major hose break on the tandem that has now been fixed.

The Road Commissioner is looking at the State Bid to purchase a new one-ton truck to replace our 2000 Chevy one-ton which is continually having problems.

We purchased a salt and beet juice mixture from Peoria County to spread on roadway hills; it is sticky and will adhere to the road and not blow off. We will likely use this product again when icy conditions are present. The cost of adding beet juice to one ton of salt is $5.00 this year; previously, the cost was $10.00 per ton of salt.

4. Issue tabled from last month’s meeting: The Road Commissioner is proposing a Resolution to change the Hourly Standard used for employees to participate in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. Currently, the Hourly Standard is 600 hours per calendar year; the Resolution would change that Standard to 1,000 hours for any new employees hired after the date of the Resolution.

See Motion in Old Business when the agenda moves to that point.

5. Grading drainage ditches on McCullough Road & Matt Cody Court was completed this month by FCI Excavating, Inc.

6. We are continuing to have dirt removed from the north front corner of our Township Property to create a more gradual grade near the area where Wheeler Road comes in off of Route 24.

7. Dennis Beckman reported on his experience at the Educational Conference in Springfield on November 10th & 11th. There was a session called the History of Township Government ~ sharing the road.

There was discussion about the fact that Townships, Counties and Municipalities are not able to coordinate and work together to help clear snow from each others roadways; however, on occasion there have been instances where we have plowed and salted a County Road hill when there were stalled vehicles present and we had to travel that road to get where we were going to plow and salt Township Roads. In such an instance, the County reimbursed the Township for our salt.

Cost sharing was another topic. Small Townships with less revenues may consider purchasing a piece of equipment together; therefore, sharing the cost and the use of the equipment. The downside to this idea is scheduling the use of the equipment when the other Township will not also want to use it.

Drug Testing was discussed. Even if a Road District only has one employee, that employee must be in the drug testing program to comply with Federal CDL Regulations.

8. Peoria County Highway Department Motor Fuel Tax: No current information for the past two months regarding our Motor Fuel Tax Balance.

TRUSTEES/ Information / Business:

1. Trustee Gerdes reported on his experience at the Educational Conference. He found all his classes interesting. He attended a Budget and Appropriations session and presented brochures at this meeting for others to read. He attended a Supervisor’s Meeting and a class regarding Conceal and Carry.

2. Trustee Bailey spoke with Marcella Stetler for an update on the financial status of the Maple Ridge Cemetery. Marcella said they have sold some lots and are in decent financial shape at this time.

TAX ASSESSOR’S OFFICE / Information / Business: .

As previously mentioned in the October Minutes, in 2015, the Quadrennial Assessments will begin which is looking at every property in Hollis Township once every 4 years to see if there are any changes to properties which have not been recorded. Some properties will be reviewed via computer and some will require driving to locations for a personal review.

During the last quadrennial, several garages were found which were not on tax assessments;

recently, one garage has been found.


1. Peoria County Township Officials ~ Annual December Dinner ~ Sunday, December 7, 2014 @ the Itoo Hall on Farmington Road in Peoria. Gather at 5:00 – Dinner at 6:00 P.M.

13 reservations were made for the following Board Members (tickets will be distributed tonight) 2 – Dennis Beckman; 2 – Tal Beckman; 2 – Jim Bailey; 2 – Alice Dailey; 2 – Brian Fengel;

1 – Bill Gerdes; 2 -- Gary Thomas.

To partially reimburse the Township: Please make your checks payable to Hollis Township Town Fund @ $10. per person for those attending the dinner. Thank You!

2. Tabled from last month. The Road Commissioner would like to proceed with this Resolution.

MOTION to pass the RESOLUTION NO. 2014-01, TO ADOPT THE ANNUAL 1,000 HOUR STANDARD FOR ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND PARTICIPATION; therefore, changing the Hollis Township 600 Hour Standard from this date forward.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this exclusion shall apply only to officials and employees who first occupy offices or positions under the Fund after adoption of this resolution.

Anyone previously employed under the 600 hourly Standard shall remain under the 600 hourly Standard.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk, Kelsey A. Archer is authorized and directed to file a duly certified copy of this resolution with the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund.


In addition, a COPY of this Resolution shall be attached to the Minutes of this Meeting.

Motion Jim Bailey; second Bill Gerdes. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.

3. MOTION to adopt the Hollis Township Tax Levy in the amount of $56,467.00 for the Tax Year 2014, collectable in the year 2015, with the Ordinance shown below:


Town Fund Tax Levy $ 56,367. General Assistance Fund Tax Levy $ 100.

Motion: Brian Fengel. Second Jim Bailey. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.

4. MOTION to adopt the Hollis Township Road District Tax Levy in the amount of $ 142,881. for the Tax Year 2014, collectable in the year 2015, with the Ordinance shown below:


Road & Bridge Fund Tax Levy $ 94,302.00

Joint Bridge Fund Tax Levy $ 28,576.00 ~ Equipment & Building Fund Tax Levy $ 20,003.00

Motion: Brian Fengel; second Jim Bailey. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.

5. MOTION to adopt the Hollis Township Road District CONSENT FOR TAX LEVY INCREASE in the amount of $ 22,861.00 for the Tax Year 2014, collectable in 2014, authorizing the Road Commissioner to levy an additional 4% of the Road & Bridge Fund Tax Levy, for a total of 16 ½%, in the Ordinance shown below:


ORDINANCE NO. 2014 - 12

Motion: Jim Bailey; second Bill Gerdes. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.

Note: The TOWNSHIP CLERK shall file these Tax Levy Ordinances with the PEORIA COUNTY CLERK no later than Tuesday, December 17, 2014. One copy of these Ordinances shall be date stamped by the Peoria County Clerk and shall be retained as a permanent record in the Hollis Township Office.


1. MOTION to approve the purchase of 6 - $30.00 Gift Certificates @ MENARDS as an annual Holiday Remembrance for the following Hollis Township Employees:

Oliver Jacobs, Jr., William E. Kettering, Jr., William E. Kettering, Sr.,

Perley (Pete) Miller, Richard Ringwald & Joleen Bailey

The expense shall be paid from Town Fund.

Motion: Brian Fengel; second Bill Gerdes. The motion passed with 3 ayes / Jim Bailey abstained.

2. MOTION to adjourn made by Jim Bailey; second Gary Thomas. The motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:33 P.M.


Respectfully submitted:

Kelsey A. Archer, Town Clerk

Kelsey A. Archer