The Clerk announced the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Supervisor called the meeting to order @ 7:00 P.M.


Board Members Present for Roll Call:

Supervisor Gary W. Thomas; Clerk Kelsey A. Archer; Trustees: William J. Gerdes, Sandra E. Fruge, James E. Bailey and Brian B. Fengel.

The Supervisor announced a quorum was present.


The Road Commissioner, Dennis R. Beckman attended this meeting. The Tax Assessor Alice

B. Dailey was not available.

APPROVE MINUTES of Previous Meetings:

Prior to tonight’s meeting, copies of Minutes from the Regular Monthly Meeting held on Thursday, October 29, 2015 were distributed to Board Members for their review.

MOTION to accept the Minutes as presented made by Brian Fengel; second Bill Gerdes. The

motion passed unanimously with all ayes.

AUDIT CURRENT EXPENDITURES, Investments, Transfer of Funds, Budget Line Item Transfers:

1. MOTION to accept for payment all Town Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary dated November 23, 2015.

Motion Jim Bailey; second Bill Gerdes. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.

2. MOTION to accept for payment all General Assistance Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary dated November 23, 2015

Motion Sandy Fruge; second Jim Bailey. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.

3. MOTION to accept for payment all Road & Bridge Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary dated November 23, 2015.

Motion Bill Gerdes; second Brian Fengel. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.

4. MOTION to accept for payment all Joint Bridge Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary dated November 23, 2015.

Motion Sandy Fruge; second Bill Gerdes. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.




The light bulbs were replaced in the flag light fixture located at the front of the office building; we may need to replace the fixture.


COMMUNICATIONS & Correspondence:



Sunday, December 13, 2015 at the Itoo Hall ~ 4909 W. Farmington Road in Peoria ~ Social Hour 5-6 PM ~ Dinner @ 6:00 P.M.

Reservations requested by : Gary Thomas (2) Dennis Beckman (2) Brian Fengel (2) Jim Bailey (2) Sandra Fruge (2) Bill Gerdes (1). At your earliest convenience, please submit your reimbursement checks payable to Hollis Township ($10. for each person attending). Thank You.

The tickets will be sent to the Township Office and will be distributed prior to the dinner.

2. Rumbold & Kuhn, Inc. ~~~ Hollis Township has received a check in the amount of $3,549.05 (net amount) which represents ½ of the 2015 soybean crop from our property on Hollis Road which is a 50/50 share crop with Dean Schwindenhammer. The check was deposited into the Hollis Town Fund checking account in October.

3. Joleen Bailey, the Accounting Manager & General Assistance Case Manager is noting 25.5 additional hours worked from July 21, thru November 2, 2015 to administer and keep all records for the current work load in General Assistance.

The full accounting of these hours may be found in this month’s General Assistance Fund folder where General Assistance is reimbursing the Town Fund for the Case Manager’s salary.


TOWN BUSINESS ~ Supervisor:

1. Report from Gary Thomas regarding the house on Tuscarora Road which was discussed last month: Multiple vehicles have been removed from the property along with some of the plastic outdoor play ground equipment. Generally, the property shows signs of improvement.

There have been many telephone inquiries regarding this property.

2. Gary Thomas received a notice from Peoria County Zoning regarding a request for a variance in Hollis Township for a shed to be built on a property adjacent to personal property owned by Gary Thomas. Gary expressed no concern for himself regarding this variance request.


CLERK BUSINESS / Business & Comments:

Clerk Kelsey Archer will file with the Peoria County Clerk, the Approved Town and Road District Levies for the year 2015 which are being finalized at this meeting.

The documents will be filed with the Peoria County Clerk no later than December 18, 2015 to avoid the Holiday schedule the last two weeks of December.


ROAD BUSINESS ~ Highway Commissioner ~ Dennis Beckman:

1. The Road Crew is finalizing normal equipment repairs and getting ready for snow; however, some ditches still need to be cleaned out – weather permitting.

2. We will start hauling and storing salt this week.

3. Denny spoke with State Representative Mike Unes regarding the proposed $25,000. threshold before Prevailing Wages would have to be paid. Governor Rauner is promoting this threshold.

Denny wanted to be sure Representative Unes knew how important this issue is for Townships; it will save a substantial amount of tax payer dollars.

Many businesses do not want to be involved with small jobs from Townships due to the extensive

amount of paperwork involved with Prevailing Wage Rates.

4. Peoria County Highway Department Motor Fuel Tax: No current information due to the lack of a State Budget.

5. Denny is considering the purchase of a new boom mower in the future and is only gathering

information at this time. There was a vendor booth at the Springfield Conference staffed with an

individual who handles State Pricing for purchases of this kind. He quoted a new boom mower at


At a time when Denny is more serious about a purchase of this kind, he believes he could get

some help completing the application required for purchasing with State Pricing from the vendor he

spoke with at the conference. Completing these applications is a lengthy and complicated process

which takes several hours.


Another piece of information Denny learned at the Conference was regarding the Drug and

Alcohol Testing Program. Denny, as the Road Commissioner and Supervisor of his employees, was

required to take a class at the Conference to become “Certified”. He did take that class and received

his certification to legally be able to initiate the testing of his employees on any given day when he felt

an employee may be impaired in some way and/or “under the influence.”

TRUSTEES ~ Information ~ Business:

Trustee Bill Gerdes shared information he obtained at the Educational Conference in Springfield this month:

1. There are changes being made in the Freedom of Information Act & the Open Meetings Act;

however, notifications of these changes are not being sent out.

2. Bill Gerdes was told that the Hollis Township Trustees Association Dues and the Clerks Association dues had not been paid for 2015-2016; however, both Association dues mentioned here were paid April 24, 2015.

Our Clerk, Kelsey Archer will contact the Township Officials of Illinois to inform them of their error.

TAX ASSESSOR’S OFFICE ~ Information ~ Business:

Alice Dailey was not available for this meeting.


1. MOTION to adopt the Hollis Township Tax Levy in the amount of $59,291. for the Tax Year 2015, collectable in the year 2016, with the Ordinance shown below:


Town Fund Tax Levy $ 59,185. General Assistance Fund Tax Levy $ 106.

Motion: Brian Fengel; second Jim Bailey. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.

2. MOTION to adopt the Hollis Township Road District Tax Levy in the amount of $ 148,334. for the Tax Year 2015, collectable in the year 2016, with the Ordinance shown below:


Road & Bridge Fund Tax Levy $ 97,902.

Joint Bridge Fund Tax Levy $ 29,666. ~ Equipment & Building Fund Tax Levy $ 20,766.

Motion: Bill Gerdes; second Sandy Fruge. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.

3. MOTION to adopt the Hollis Township Road District CONSENT FOR TAX LEVY INCREASE in the amount of $ 23,733. for the Tax Year 2015, collectable in 2016, authorizing the Road Commissioner to levy an additional 4% of the Road & Bridge Fund Tax Levy, for a total of 16 ½%, in the Ordinance shown below:


ORDINANCE NO. 2015 - 12

Motion: Jim Bailey; second Brian Fengel. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.


1. MOTION to approve the purchase of Four (4) ~ $30.00 Gift Certificates ~ @ MENARDS

as an ANNUAL HOLIDAY REMEMBRANCE for the following Hollis Township Employees:

Dennis Ahrens, Stuart Parks, Richard Ringwald & Joleen Bailey

The expense shall be paid from Town Fund. The gift cards will be charged to our Menards Acct.

Motion: Brian Fengel; second Sandy Fruge. The motion passed with four (4) ayes on a roll call vote and Jim Bailey abstaining.

2. MOTION to adjourn made by Sandy Fruge; second Brian Fengel. The motion passed

unanimously. The Meeting adjourned at 8:03 P.M.


Respectfully submitted,

Kelsey A. Archer, Town Clerk

Kelsey A. Archer