After the Clerk led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag at 7:00 P.M., and in the absence of Supervisor Gary W. Thomas, the following action was taken:

A MOTION by Brian Fengel and a second by Jim Bailey to appoint Trustee William J. Gerdes

to act as the Chairman of this meeting. The motion passed unanimously with all ayes.

Board Members Present for Roll Call:

Clerk Kelsey A. Archer; Trustees: William J. Gerdes, Sandra E. Fruge, James E. Bailey and Brian B. Fengel.

The Chairman announced a quorum was present. Supervisor Gary W. Thomas was excused.

The Road Commissioner Dennis R. Beckman attended this meeting; however, the Tax Assessor Alice B. Dailey was not available.

There were no visitors. There were no corrections or additions to the Agenda.

APROVE MINUTES of Previous Meetings:

Prior to tonight’s meeting, copies of Minutes from the Regular Monthly Meeting held on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 were distributed to Board Members for their review.

MOTION to accept the Minutes as presented made by Brian Fengel; second Sandy Fruge. The motion passed unanimously with all ayes.

AUDIT CURRENT EXPENDITURES, Investments, Transfer of Funds, Budget Line Item Transfers:

1. MOTION to accept for payment all Town Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary December 29, 2016.

Motion Jim Bailey; second Brian Fengel. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.


2. MOTION to accept for payment all General Assistance Expenditures as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary December 29, 2016

Motion Sandy Fruge; second Jim Bailey. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.


3. MOTION to accept for payment all Road & Bridge Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary December 29, 2016.

Motion Brian Fengel; second Sandy Fruge. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.


4. MOTION to accept for payment the Joint Bridge Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary December 29, 2016

Motion Jim Bailey; second Brian Fengel. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.



Our IBM SELECTRIC III Typewriter and our RICCAR America 8920 Sweeper have both been repaired. Invoices for these items appear in this month’s expenses for Town Fund.


ROAD BUSINESS ~ Highway Commissioner:

1. Today, Compass Minerals delivered the second salt shipment of 103 tons. The first 100 tons of salt delivered in November were used on our roads this month during and after the ice storm December 16 thru 19. Our road crew worked overtime on that weekend to manage the icy roads.

2. Extensive repairs were made on our 2004 Ford F550 this past month. An alternator was replaced on the 2008 International 7400 Diesel.

Invoices for both vehicles appear in this month’s expenses for Road & Bridge.

3. The Peoria County Highway Department Motor Fuel Tax Report for Hollis Township /

Dated November 30, 2016 shows Hollis Township balance as of November 30, 2016 as a positive

$ 2,932.79 after the November allotment of $3,143.51 which off-set the negative balance ($210.71)

the previous month.

TRUSTEES/ Information / Business:

Trustee Jim Bailey shared Information he obtained at the Dec. 7 HEYL ROYSTER complimentary Seminar regarding - New Laws Impacting Your Local Government: What Resolutions Must You Keep in 2017? Reimbursement was one of the topics discussed.

Jim has created a standard form as a suggestion for our township personnel to use when requesting reimbursement for travel, hotel and meals. The form was distributed to Board Members; there was some discussion regarding the Ordinance as well as the reimbursement form. A copy of the form will be attached to these Minutes.

Hollis Township is required to pass an Ordinance tonight regarding reimbursements. See NEW Business , MOTION #2.

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Administrative Assistant, Joleen Bailey is requesting a change in the method of keeping track of the hours she works as the Case Manager for General Assistance. Keeping track of these hours on an individual basis is very time consuming.

During this past year, there has been an overall average of 9.25 additional G.A. hours worked per month; therefore, Joleen is asking the Board for permission to add 10 hours per month to her 80 regular monthly hours, with the additional 10 hours to be designated as General Assistance Hours.

General Assistance hours will still be recorded for future reference.

Town Fund pays the wages initially, and the General Assistance Fund reimburses Town Fund for the hours designated to administer General Assistance. Joleen is proposing that the reimbursement from General Assistance would be made to Town Fund only once each year at the end of December.

We have one new G.A. case this week which consumed at least 4 hours with the initial application interview process and that case is not finalized. In addition, we have 3 other existing recipients.

The last few years there has been an increase in General Assistance Applicants and recipients.

1. MOTION to approve adding 10 hours to the Administrative Assistant’s monthly hours, increasing them from 80 to 90 hours, with the 10 additional hours designated as Case Management for administering General Assistance. In addition, the General Assistance Fund shall reimburse Town Fund once each year at the end of December.

This motion shall be in effect beginning January 1, 2017.

Motion Brian Fengel; second Sandy Fruge. The motion passed with 3 ayes on a roll call vote; Jim Bailey abstaining.


After discussion:

2. MOTION to approve & adopt ORDINANCE NO. 2016 ~ 13.


Motion Brian Fengel; second Sandy Fruge. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.

3. MOTION to adjourn made by Jim Bailey; second Brian Fengel. The motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:58 P.M.


Respectfully submitted,

Kelsey A. Archer, Town Clerk

Kelsey A. Archer