The Clerk will announce the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag @ 7:00 PM

The Supervisor will call the meeting to order.

Board Members Present for Roll Call: Supervisor: Russell L Zeine__X____
Trustees: William J. Gerdes _absent____ Rich D Murray __X___ Stacie L Breedlove __X___
Maurice L Super _absent_____ Clerk: Rhonda L Hodges __X____

Supervisor: Announce quorum present.

Note Attendance: Road Commissioner - Dennis Beckman __X__ Tax Assessor - Alice Dailey _X__

Visitors: None

Corrections or Additions to Agenda: Additions to the agenda may be discussed; however, if action is needed by the Board such action must be taken at another meeting when the topic is posted on the agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting. _________________________________________________________________________________

APPROVE MINUTES of Previous Meetings:

1. Prior to tonight’s meeting, copies of Minutes from the Regular Monthly Meeting held on
March 16, 2023, was distributed to Board Members for their review.

MOTION to accept the Minutes as presented made by: R. Murray: seconded by S. Breedlove. Motion ___3____Ayes __0___ Nays

AUDIT CURRENT EXPENDITURES, Investments, Transfer of Funds, Budget Line-Item Transfers:

1. MOTION to accept payment for all Town Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary April 20, 2023, in the amount of $ 5,747.50.

Motion _S. Breedlove__________; second _R. Murray______

Roll call: Gerdes Murray ___X____ Breedlove ___X____ Super _______ Zeine __X____

2. MOTION to accept payment for all General Road Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary April 20, 2023, in the amount of $ 21,704.91.

Motion _R. Murray_______; second S. Breedlove .

Roll call: Gerdes Murray ___X___ Breedlove ___X____ Super ______ Zeine ___X____


TOWN BUILDING, GROUNDS & EQUIPMENT: Russ stated mowing was done and he is in contact with Ameren about fixing ruts in the yard when they replaced poles. Russ said he has no information for the backup generator at this time. Denny stated he was going to spray and Russ stated they will be removing bushes.

COMMUNICATIONS & Correspondence:
TOWN BUSINESS ~ Supervisor: Russ stated the budget will be coming up and if trustees have anything they would like to discuss to please get with him.

Discussion and Motion to approve upgrade needed for QuickBooks. Russ stated the current program we have will be discontinued May 31, 2023, and this is the program we need for reports and payroll, so we need to upgrade. The cost was $500 a year and $500 for payroll plus $2.00 per month for direct deposit. The upgrade cost will be $ 1839.00 with a 20% discount for a total of $ 1464.00. S. Breedlove made a motion to upgrade the QuickBooks program. R. Murray seconded the motion. Motion passed with all Ayes.


ROAD BUSINESS ~ Highway Commissioner: Dennis stated the new mower is in, and they are putting it together and should be delivered May 5, 2023. He received a complaint about Reed City about railroad ties and the creek, but he stated they are not Hollis Township property so there is nothing we can do about the situation. Dennis stated they will be mowing soon.

Peoria County Highway Department Motor Fuel Tax Report: $ 32,544.41

TRUSTEES/ Information / Business:

TAX ASSESSOR’S OFFICE / Information / Business: Alice said they spent 4 ½ hours taking pictures of houses because the new supervisor wants pictures of homes that are over 5 years old. She stated some residents are not happy about this. She was able to sign up a couple more senior citizens.

OLD UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Decennial Committees of Local Government Efficiency Act meeting will be May 18, 2023, at 6:45 PM.


MOTION to adjourn made by __R. Murray_______; second _S. Breedlove_________. The motion
passed unanimously.

The Meeting adjourned at __7:39 PM_______.

Agenda Notes by Rhonda Hodges

The next Regular Monthly Meeting is scheduled for May 18, 2023

Rhonda Hodges