• Town Business
    1. Information was presented from the US Census Bureau regarding a national mail-back response and a request to form a Complete Count Committee to plan and implement a local outreach effort to publicize the importance of the 2010 Census. A guide was presented to the Board for review.
  • Road Business
    1. The Road Commissioner informed the Board that the IEPA had picked up for disposal junk tires which had been dumped on township property.
    2. The Board also was informed that the road crew has been busy patching roads as needed.
    3. The Board also discussed with the Road Commissioner the effects the closing of Route 24 due to an accident.
  • Trustees
    1. A request was made on the progress of the Tuscarora Road project.
    2. Also a request was made concerning the current status of the Carrie-Scharf dispute.
  • Old Unfinished Business
    1. Reservations were approved for those interested in attending the TOPIC Day on April 21, 2009 in Springfield
  • New Business
    1. A motion was approved for the appointment of Robert Miller as a trustee for the Tuscarora Fire Protection Dist.
    2. A motion was approved for the Agenda for the Annual Town Meeting on Tues. April 14, 2009
    3. A motion was approved for Ord. #09-1 which is a tentative budget for Hollis Township.
    4. A motion was approved for Ord. #09-2 which is a tentative budget for the Road Dist. of Hollis Township.
    5. The Supervisor stated that an informational meeting concerning the upcoming Museum Tax Issue will be held Sat. April 4, 2009 at Glasford High School for those interested in attending.
Roger Hostetter, Sr.