• Communications and Correspondence
    1. A letter was reviewed on an Emergency Expo. at the Shoppes at Grand Prairie to be held on June 17, 2009. Any interested members were invited to attend.
  • Road Business
    1. The Road Commissioner stated the extreme amount of rain has caused a delay in mowing schedules.
    2. The work on S. Summit road is continuing.
    3. The Road Commissioner is working on a personnel policy for road district employees.
    4. Work is being done on problems with various roadside ditches in the township.
    5. Nothing new to report on the Carrie-Scharf dispute.
  • Trustees
    1. An inquiry was presented concerning the current status of the old Caterpiller Foundry property. The Supervisor is to fillow-up on this and present information at a future meeting.
    2. Also an inquiry was requested on information on T.I.F. Districts in the State of Illinois on their formation and also any pending changes in state laws. The Supervisor will follow up on this request and present information at a future meeting.
  • New Business
    1. A motion was made for the payment for anyone interested in attending a session for newly elected officials. This was approved.
    2. Information was received from IMRF regarding new rates. This will be addressed at the July 30th, 2009 meeting.
Roger Hostetter, Sr.