• Visitors
    1. The Board recognized Mr. Jeff Hurst who expressed an interest in the tax assessor's position.
  • Communication and Correspondence
    1. The Board was informed of the mailing of both the W2 and the Form 1099 mailing.
    2. The Board reviewed information from the Peoria County Clerk's office concerning the filing of Econimic Interest Statements.
    3. The Board reviewed an update on the 2010 Census and the time and materials used to complete the requested information from the Census Canvassing Staff.
  • Town Business
    1. The Supervisor informed the Board of a meeting he had with Senator David Koehler concerning the power pole relocation on Tuscarora Road. This will be addressed further in the future.
    2. The Supervisor gave an update on the burned house status located along Tuscarora Road.
    3. Also presented was an update on the question of the payment of taxes of the Leisure Oaks Property.
  • Road Business
    1. The Road Commissioner stated to the Board that a tentative agreement has been made with the Carrie Scharf Trucking Co. More information to follow.
    2. The Road Commissioner stated that there have been ongoing problems with equipment this season.
    3. The Road Commissioner stated a person has been apprehended for damage done along the Pekin Bottoms Road.
    4. The Road Commissioner also infromed the Board that joint agreement with the LaMarsh Drainage Dist. is being considered for police patrols in the Pekin Bottoms Area.
  • Trustee
    1. The Road Commissioner and Road District employees were complemented on the snow removal of toanship roads this season.
    2. Also the Board reviewed the ATV usage and laws pertaining to ATV's on local roads.
  • Old Unfinished Business
    1. The Board declared a vacancy in the office of Tax Assessor in Hollis Township.
    2. It was noted that mileage reimbursment rate has been reduced to $.50 per mile by the IRS.
    3. A memorial was approved for the mother of the township's most recent tax assessor.
Roger Hostetter, Sr.