• Visitors
    1. Mrs. Alice Dailey updated the Board on the status of the required training for the assessors position.
    2. Mr. Brad Harding from the Peoria County Board presented the Board with information on the current status of various County and the City of Peoria positions. He asked for support to oppose the proposed 'Uni-Gov' system being considered. He also gave an update on the County Animal control project and he offered to assist the township board, if possible, if the board had any requests.
  • Communications & Correspondence
    1. Those who had attended the Heyle, Royster Seminar held April 15th, 2010 gave a report on the topics covered.
    2. Those who attended the Education Program for District 7 held Fri. April 16th, 2010 also reported on the topics covered.
    3. Also those attending the Topics Day held in Springfield, Illinois on April 20th, 2010 reported on the events which took place.
  • Town Business
    1. The Supervisor updated the board on the permit status concerning the burned house on Tuscarora Road.
    2. The Board was also updated on the damage being done by heavy trucks on Wheeler Road and the State of Illinois Dept. of Transportation's response.
  • Tax Assessors Office
    1. Mrs. Alice Dailey reported on her recent activities concerning this office. Such as her work with the Peoria County Tax Assessors office and the acquisition of equipment and supplies to operate this office.
  • Road Business
    1. The Road Commissioner reported on the Spring road conditions, the tentative schedule for mowing roadsides, the security camera in the Pekin Bottoms area, the limit on the amount of sealcoating to be done this year, and the cost of road salt used this past winter season.
  • Old/Unfinished Business
    1. The Board rejected the passage on Ordinance #2010-08- The Responsible Bidder Ordinance.
  • New Business
    1. The Supervisor presented information on the Peoria County Prescription Drug Program. No action needed.
Roger Hostetter, Sr.