• Visitors
    1. The Board recognized Mrs. Donna Bailey who was attending to observe for the possible filling of the township clerk's position.
  • Town Building, Grounds, & Equipment
    1. The Board noted that the grounds around the town hall have not been groomed to date but were informed that this was scheduled to begin shortly.
    2. It was also noted that the light on the maintenance building still needs attention. The Road district will address this in the near future.
  • Town Business
    1. The Board held a brief discussion on the filling of the soon-to-be-vacant township clerk position.
  • Road Business
    1. It was noted that there is nothing to report on the work to be done at the end of Cilco-Lane off of Route 24.
    2. It was reported that the sign replacement is to begin by late summer 2011.
    3. The Road Commissioner informed the Board of his attending a court hearing for the damage which was done by a driver on S. Cameron Lane.
  • Old Unfinished Business
    1. Documents were presented for signatures for a trustee appointment to the Tuscarora Fire Protection District.
    2. The Board heard brief comments from those who attended the Topics Day held in Springfield, Il. on April 5, 2011 and the TOI Education Program in Peoria on April 14, 2011.
  • New Business
    1. The Board approved both the tentative Budget & Appropriation Ordinances for the Township of Hollis and the Road District of Hollis.
Roger Hostetter, Sr.