After the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the Supervisor called the meeting to order @ 7:00 P.M. at the Hollis Town Hall, 6430 West Wheeler Road, Mapleton, Illinois 61547-9615.


Board Members Present:

Supervisor Gary W. Thomas; Clerk Kelsey A. Archer; Trustees: William J. Gerdes, Tal B. Beckman, James E. Bailey and Brian B. Fengel.

The Supervisor announced a quorum was present.


Note Attendance of other Officials:

The Road Commissioner, Dennis R. Beckman attended this meeting. The Tax Assessor, Alice

B. Dailey was not available.


Visitors: There were no visitors.



APROVE MINUTES of Previous Meetings:

Prior to tonight’s meeting, copies of Minutes from the Regular Monthly Meeting held on Thursday, August 29, 2013 were distributed to Board Members for their review.

MOTION to accept the Minutes as presented made by Brian Fengel; second Bill Gerdes. The

motion passed unanimously with all ayes.


AUDIT CURRENT EXPENDITURES, Investments, Transfer of Funds, Budget Line Item Transfers:

1. MOTION to accept for payment all Town Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary September 26, 2013.

Motion Tal Beckman; second Jim Bailey. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.


2. MOTION to accept for payment all Road & Bridge Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary September 26, 2013.

Motion Jim Bailey; second Tal Beckman. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.


3. MOTION to accept for payment all Joint Bridge Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary September 26, 2013.

Motion Brian Fengel; second Jim Bailey. The motion passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.




1. The HOLLIS TOWNSHIP OFFICES SIGN ( large brown wooden sign with yellow lettering) has been refurbished and is now placed at the front of the Township Property along Wheeler Road on the hillside. It is visible when traveling off of Route 24 and entering Wheeler Road just as Wheeler curves to the West. It looks great! The Road Commissioner is considering running electric service to that area to illuminate the sign.

2. Other Sign Updates: A sign to be placed on Wheeler Road, directing eastbound traffic to our Town Hall, is still in the works as well as another sign for our driveway after turning off of Wheeler Road and entering Township property.

COMMUNICATIONS & Correspondence:


1. The Supervisor gave an update regarding the Community OZ Festival 2014:

The committee is waiting for the carnival’s response and availability on the date under consideration which is August 16, 2014. Recently, a designated area has been graded for the tractor pull.

2. Truth in Taxation Determination for the 2013 Tax Levies ~ will be addressed during our Regular Monthly Meeting on October 31, 2013. At that time, the Township & Road District will determine

the Tax Levies needed for the year 2013 which are payable in 2014, and establish if there is a need for Truth in Taxation Hearings.

Levies will be approved October 31, 2013 & adopted on Tuesday, November 26, 2012 at our Regular Monthly Meeting.

There must be at least 20 days between determining and approving Tax Levies & then adopting Tax Levies.

3. Letter received from the Peoria County Board - response and appreciation expressed for our donation August 29, 2013 to the Peoria County rural transportation service ( County Link) which helps provide public transportation at a reasonable fare to residents of Peoria County.


TOWN BUSINESS ~ Supervisor:

1. Copies of the ANNUAL TREASURER’S REPORT for fiscal year ended March 31, 2013 were presented to Board Members. As required by law, a copy of this report has been forwarded to the Peoria County Clerk no later than September 30, 2013.

A copy of the Annual Treasurer’s Report shall be attached to the Minutes of this meeting.

In previous years, it was necessary to publish the Treasurer’s Report; however, there have been changes in the publishing and filing requirements.

Since every Township is having a CPA audit this year, such publication requirement shall not apply when an audit of such funds has been made by a certified public accountant and a report of such audit has been filed with the county clerk and a notice of the availability of the audit report has been published one time in an English language newspaper published in the township, or if no newspaper is published in the township, then in a newspaper printed in the English language published in the county.

Notice of Availability of Audit was published on September 19th in the Glasford Gazette. A copy of the publication may be found in this month’s Board Audit payment to the Gazette. A copy is also retained as part of the Township’s permanent newspaper publications.

Please see the September 2013 Issue of the TOWNSHIP PERSPECTIVE MAGAZINE - specifically Page 37 - in the Clerk’s Corner for complete details regarding publishing.

2. Willock Warning & Co., P.C. has completed the State of Illinois Comptroller’s Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013. They have filed the report via internet with the State of Illinois Comptroller’s Office this past week.

Our CPA audit has also been completed. Their office is putting the information together and it will be available to us at their earliest convenience. We will then file a copy of the audit with the Peoria County Clerk. The Hollis Township Office shall retain a copy for our permanent records.

If possible, our Auditors will attend our October 31, 2013 Regular Monthly Meeting to discuss the audit with the Board.

3. The Supervisor attended a meeting in Mapleton, September 12, 2013 which was presented by the Tri County Planning and Zoning.

There was discussion regarding the odors present in the area and a belief that the smell may be coming from Pekin on the other side of the river. The Village of Mapleton is planning to invest in a study to determine the source of the smell.

Mapleton would also like to clean-up the Village’s appearance to encourage additional residential growth.


CLERK BUSINESS / Business & Comments: none.



ROAD BUSINESS ~ Highway Commissioner:


1. On behalf of Hollis Township, Pat Meyer Engineering has submitted an $85,000. bid to FEMA from Hoerr Construction to line existing culverts instead of totally replacing the culverts. If granted, Hollis Road District would be required to pay the entire cost and then get approximately 75% of the cost reimbursed by FEMA.

2. Denny is working on submitting another $5,200. request to FEMA for some of the 2013 Storm Damage. He believes we have 18 months to complete other repairs from that damage period and then request reimbursement for those additional repairs. Denny is going to check with Pat to see if the time frame for individuals to submit damage claims is any different from the Township’s.

3. Dennis Beckman has submitted a total of $25,238.33 reimbursement costs to Ameren with regard to Gollon Road. Road repairs were necessary after Ameren used Gollon Road as an access to complete some work in that area.

4. Mowing of roadsides has slowed considerably due to the lack of rain these past 2 months. We may only need to mow one more time this season.

5. Denny is actively looking for a new part-time Road District person who meets the criteria necessary to do the job. He welcomes suggestions or referrals from the Board or general public.

6. Peoria County Highway Department Motor Fuel Tax: Hollis Township Report ~ Our most recent balance $22,523.92 was reported to us on September 9, 2013, which includes the August MFT Allotment of $3,322.47.

7. The Road Commissioner had checked with Peoria County about their guardrail installation procedures in response to a question last month regarding the missing end-cap on the guardrail on LaFayette Road at the intersection of Tuscarora Road. Peoria County Highway Department does not necessarily use end-caps; they just place a warning sign near the guardrail with yellow and black lettering.


TRUSTEES/ Information / Business: none.


TAX ASSESSOR’S OFFICE / Information / Business: none.







MOTION to adjourn made by Jim Bailey; second Brian Fengel. The motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:54 P.M.




Respectfully submitted,


Kelsey A. Archer, Town Clerk

Kelsey A. Archer