The Clerk will announce the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag @ 7:00 PM

The Supervisor will call the meeting to order.

Board Members Present for Roll Call: Supervisor: Russell L Zeine_X__
Trustees: William J. Gerdes __X__ Rich D Murray __X __ Stacie L Breedlove _Arrived late_
Maurice Super __X__ Clerk: Rhonda L Hodges __X__

Supervisor: Announce quorum present.

Note Attendance: Road Commissioner - Dennis Beckman _X__ Tax Assessor - Alice Dailey _X___

Visitors: Roger Hostettler

Corrections or Additions to Agenda: Additions to the agenda may be discussed; however, if action is needed by the Board such action must be taken at another meeting when the topic is posted on the agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting. _________________________________________________________________________________

APPROVE MINUTES of Previous Meetings:

1. Prior to tonight’s meeting, copies of Minutes from the Regular Monthly Meeting held on
3/21/2024, was distributed to Board Members for their review.

MOTION to accept the Minutes as presented made by M. Super___; second _R. Murray___. Motion ___4___Ayes __0___ Nays

AUDIT CURRENT EXPENDITURES, Investments, Transfer of Funds, Budget Line-Item Transfers:

1. MTION to accept payment for all Town Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary 4/18/2024, in the amount of $ 4,768.71

Motion _R. Murray__________; second _W. Gerdes___________

Roll call: Gerdes X Murray ___X____ Breedlove ___X____ Super ___X____ Zeine __X____

2. MOTION to accept payment for all General Road Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary 4/18/2024, in the amount of $ 16,509.05

Motion __R. Murray______; second W. Gerdes

Roll call: Gerdes X Murray ___X___ Breedlove ___X____ Super __X__ Zeine __X____


TOWN BUILDING, GROUNDS & EQUIPMENT: Russ stated mowing has started and he will be getting some weed killer to spray. Denny has called about marking so the bushes can be removed plus ditches will be cleaned up this year too.

COMMUNICATIONS & Correspondence: Recycle flyer was handed out to the board. A Torima letter was received and completed during the meeting.
TOWN BUSINESS ~ Supervisor: Russ handed out Related Party letters from the auditor to be completed by board.

CLERK BUSINESS: Rhonda stated the emails from Peoria County were sent in error about Economic statements not being done. All have been completed for this year.

ROAD BUSINESS ~ Highway Commissioner: Denny stated the Road District is getting ready to mow. There will be 1 or 2 projects this year. The first project is to replace the culvert on McCullough Road. These are 6 feet, so options are to put in a smaller tube or a spray that hardens inside the tubes. The spray cost is too great, so they will probably go with smaller tube. The second possible project will be Tuscarora/Lafayette. Denny plans to contact Pat Meyer about a box culvert. Denny stated the parking lot has soft spots and they will dig up and fix those and hopefully seal coat this year too.

Peoria County Highway Department Motor Fuel Tax Report:

TRUSTEES/ Information / Business: Bill said it was busy at Lobby Days in Springfield. Stacie spoke about the Radon Mitigation Program with the Peoria and Tazewell County Health Departments. She wants to make sure residents have the information. These funds are available due to the Edwards Power Plan Settlement. Residents can contact the Peoria County Health Department at (309) 679-6120 or check on their website for information.

TAX ASSESSOR’S OFFICE / Information / Business: Alice stated there is not much going on right now but will once tax bills are sent out. Alice stated there were 83 on Senior Freeze not making over $65,000 a year. Alice also shared information about House Bill 5050.

OLD UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Updates on monies for homestead residents. This would be the 83 residents with the Senior Freeze. Russ checked with Kroger and Aldi have a card that has no administrative expenses. The board discussed possible food baskets, turkeys, etc. to give back to the residents. The board will make a Motion next month on giving out gift certificates to those with the Senior Freeze in the Township.

NEW BUSINESS: Discuss and act on Redman Accounting Township Support Packages. The Township will stay with the basic plan.

MOTION to adjourn made by _M. Super___________; second R. Murray. The motion
passed unanimously.

The Meeting adjourned at _8:12 PM_____.

Agenda Notes by Rhonda Hodges

The next Regular Monthly Meeting is scheduled for May 16, 2024

Rhonda Hodges