The Clerk will announce the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag @ 7:00 PM
The Supervisor will call the meeting to order.
Board Members Present for Roll Call: Supervisor: Russell L Zeine_X__
Trustees: William J. Gerdes __X__ Rich D Murray __X __ Stacie L Breedlove arrived late
Maurice Super __X__ Clerk: Rhonda L Hodges _X___
Supervisor: Announce quorum present.
Note Attendance: Road Commissioner - Dennis Beckman _X__ Tax Assessor - Alice Dailey __X__
Visitors: No visitors
Corrections or Additions to Agenda: Additions to the agenda may be discussed; however, if action is needed by the Board such action must be taken at another meeting when the topic is posted on the agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting. _________________________________________________________________________________
APPROVE MINUTES of Previous Meetings:
1. Prior to tonight’s meeting, copies of Minutes from the Regular Monthly Meeting held on
9/19/2024, was distributed to Board Members for their review.
MOTION to accept the Minutes as presented made by Rich____; second _William____.
Motion ___4___Ayes _____ Nays
AUDIT CURRENT EXPENDITURES, Investments, Transfer of Funds, Budget Line-Item Transfers:
1. MOTION to accept payment for all Town Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary 10/17/2024, in the amount of $ 5,043.90
Motion _Maurice____; second _William___________
Roll call: Gerdes X Murray __X___ Breedlove _absent__ Super __X____ Zeine __X____
2. MOTION to accept payment for all General Road Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary 10/17/2024, in the amount of $ 46,902.00
Motion __Rich______; second Maurice .
Roll call: Gerdes X Murray ___X___ Breedlove _absent___ Super __X____ Zeine __X____
TOWN BUILDING, GROUNDS & EQUIPMENT: Bill stated the front of the office looks nice with all the shrubbery gone. Alice asked about the bricks and Russ stated they will look at this after winter to see what the next step will be.
COMMUNICATIONS & Correspondence: CIES has 2 proposals. First is $ 3600.00 for office lighting which is retro fit LED ballast bypass lights. Second is $ 6300.00 if all new fixtures are put in.
TOWN BUSINESS ~ Supervisor: The board discussed where to hold caucuses. Russ handed out audit books to the board.
CLERK BUSINESS: IMRF Compliance report shows “no findings noted”.
ROAD BUSINESS ~ Highway Commissioner: Denny state they have finished the mowing. Concrete gutters will be done tomorrow. Hollis grade school in front pipe is draining all the time and ditch is wet all the time so trying to put in a concrete gutter to help. Board members stated they wonder if field if full since there are gasses coming off and it can be smelled. The contract for salt is done and he will be ordering soon. Quite a few repairs have been made to the equipment, so they are ready for when the snow flies.
TRUSTEES/ Information / Business: Rich stated he did not get information for the family looking into information on the cemetery. Alice provided cemetery information with Russ who provided this information to the family.
TAX ASSESSOR’S OFFICE / Information / Business: Final run will be done soon so they can close out 2024 in a couple of weeks. There was discussion about values being raised and a resident stated this will hurt him and possibly cause him to lose his property.
NEW BUSINESS: Resolution No 2024-10-01 setting compensation for Township Officials Four Year Term beginning May 2025. Discussion was as follow for yearly income: Clerk $4000 – Assessor $ 8000 – Supervisor $ 8000 plus $ 1000 from road district – Trustees $ 1200 – Road Commissioner $ 32,000
MOTION to adjourn made by __Stacie____; second __William ______. The motion
Passed unanimously.
The Meeting adjourned at _8:17_PM____.
Agenda Notes by Rhonda Hodges
The next Regular Monthly Meeting is scheduled for November 21, 2024