The Clerk will announce the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag @ 7:00 PM
The Supervisor will call the meeting to order.
Board Members Present for Roll Call: Supervisor: Russell L Zeine_x__
Trustees: William J. Gerdes __x__ Rich D Murray __x __ Stacie L Breedlove _x___
Maurice Super __x__ Clerk: Rhonda L Hodges __x__
Supervisor: Announce quorum present.
Note Attendance: Road Commissioner - Dennis Beckman _x__ Tax Assessor - Alice Dailey __x__
Visitors: Patricia Briggs, Rhonda Robbins
Corrections or Additions to Agenda: Additions to the agenda may be discussed; however, if action is needed by the Board such action must be taken at another meeting when the topic is posted on the agenda 48 hours prior to the meeting. _________________________________________________________________________________
APPROVE MINUTES of Previous Meetings:
1. Prior to tonight’s meeting, copies of Minutes from the Regular Monthly Meeting held on
10/17/2024, was distributed to Board Members for their review.
MOTION to accept the Minutes as presented made by M. Super__; second _W. Gerdes___. Motion ___5___Ayes __0___ Nays
AUDIT CURRENT EXPENDITURES, Investments, Transfer of Funds, Budget Line-Item Transfers:
1. MOTION to accept payment for all Town Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary 11/21/2024, in the amount of $ 9,936.53.
Motion _R. Murray_____; second _M. Super__
Roll call: Gerdes X Murray __X____ Breedlove ___X___ Super ___X____ Zeine __X____
2. MOTION to accept payment for all General Road Fund Invoices as presented to the Board on the Disbursement Summary 11/21/2024, in the amount of $ 56,332.95 plus supplemental of $ 7477.75.
Motion _W. Gerdes_____; second S. Breedlove .
Roll call: Gerdes X Murray __X____ Breedlove ___X____ Super __X____ Zeine __X____
TOWN BUILDING, GROUNDS & EQUIPMENT: The flag light will be fixed with updated lighting by CIES.
COMMUNICATIONS & Correspondence: We received an invitation from Limestone Township for their Holiday luncheon on Friday December 6, 2024, between 11 am to 2 pm.
TOWN BUSINESS ~ Supervisor: The CD renewal is due and $107,881.79 will be rolling over at 4.00%. The corn crop on Hollis Road received $ 5431.07 this year. Russ, Denny and Bill attended the conference and Russ felt discouraged. They only offer the classes one time, so you cannot attend another class that might have information you would like to obtain but some classes were not worth attending. Russ did speak with a company that is setting up a solar farm on Caterpillar grounds in Mapleton.
CLERK BUSINESS: Rhonda stated caucus information has been posted.
ROAD BUSINESS ~ Highway Commissioner: Denny stated they are working hard to get dead trees cut down and if anyone wants the wood, they just need to notify him. The tractor was damaged on Tuesday due to an accident while mowing S. Lafayette due to a concrete gutter giving way. We do have an insurance check coming for the Tuscarora accident earlier this year from Country Companies. Salt has been ordered but kept at a lower amount so he can use what we have right now and since salt is expensive, slag is added which also helps with traction. The plows and other equipment are ready for the season. Denny agreed with Russ about the conference with classes only offered once. He did learn that if a piece of equipment was missed at the annual meeting, the board can approve the sell during the year. Denny discussed selling equipment at auctions, and he feels it is best to sell with a company that allows reserves, so a large loss is not taken. Denny did let the board know that in 2007, seal coating was $15,000 and now it is $85,000 a mile.
TRUSTEES/ Information / Business: Bill stated the conference had no paper in the classroom, so he did not have the information. Russ stated the speakers did list websites.
TAX ASSESSOR’S OFFICE / Information / Business: The first week of December they will be taking pictures and making rounds. She asked to please let her know if you see something that should be checked out.
OLD UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Holiday gift cards are being mailed out tomorrow.
Discuss and Act on CIES office lighting proposal.
Truth and Taxation Levies: Ordinance # 2024-08 Township
Ordinance # 2024-09 Road District
MOTION to adjourn made by _S. Breedlove_; second __R. Murray_. The motion passed a
The Meeting adjourned at 7:58 PM.
Agenda Notes by Rhonda Hodges
The next Regular Monthly Meeting is scheduled for December 19, 2024